Thursday, July 30, 2015

Ship breaker 4

Of the choices on the list of books I chose to read Ship Breaker because after reading through the different titles and discriptions Ship breaker caught my intrest because from its description it was set in this world but it was after oil had run out, to me this seemed like an intresting story to check out. A connection I can make to this book is the tough devisions Nailer had to make throught the book. In the story eventually he had to choose to leave his life behind and everyone he knew to run away with Nita to escape his villinous father. Now I've never had to do something quite as big but i have dealt with my decision to leave marching band when this year is the biggest season to date.
I spacifically would reccomend this this book for thoes who like like action and adventure stories with hints of romance. This book is full of suspensful scenes which will keep you up late wanting to see what will happen next. Though there is coarse language but nothing above what you would hear in the halls at highschool (well assuming you care). But overall I liked reading this story and especally at the end when all the action in it peaks.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Ship Breaker 3

"Swim you bastard swim you baststard swim you bastard....Swim!
Nailer sank like a stone through warm reeking liquid. It was like trying to swim through thick air the warmth gave instead of water.  No matter how hard he fought, the warmth gave way under him, sucking him deeper.
'Why can't I swim?'
He was a good swimmer. Had never wirried about drowning in the ocean, even in eave surf. but now he keept sinking. His hand tangled in something solid--the copper wire. He grabbed for it, hoping it was still connected to the ducts above.
it slithered through his fingers, slick and slimy.
In context this is when Nailer falls into a pit full of oil. If you remember from previous poss oil is as valuable as it is rare. And Nailer just fell into a fortuine. The only issue is he is sinking in it and could die. While valuable it isn't worth a thing if he can't get out of the vat of oil...

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Ship Breaker 2

From reading Ship Breaker by Paolo Bacigalupi, I have seen a spectrurm of varying characters from extremley 1D and bland to the really complex characters most would like to read about.
Starting off with the main character Nailer. Initally from my take his compliuxity seems to be he is only concewrned with survival and doing his job. But as the story progresses I can see there is more to his character than just light crew. We see that later on that he wants to fins a big break so he won't have to stay in the ship fields for the rest of his life. Also It is seen numerous times how he wants to stay away from his druken and high father as it is described that he abuses Nailer.
Next is another major Prima. She is the crew leader of the light crew who makes sure everyone stays in line. From a character stand point it dosen't sppear that she changes that much. She does not hesitate to protect members of her crew from anyone. And when it comes to a chance to make it big with money she will be over it.
Last major character so far is Nita Patel. She per the books description is  extremley beautiful and extremley wealthy. In my point in the book it semes that her desires include escaping her father's enemies and staying alive. So far it seems her chartacter does not have much depth but her character was only just introusuced.
This book is structured to follow the life of Nailer the main focous of the book. It follows him through the various events he endures, but tells it in 3rd person. This to me is an intresting format that not only keeps the story going but it keeps it from being boring.  

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Ship breaker 1

For summer reading I have chosen "Ship Breaker" By Paolo Bacigalupi. The main setting of thios book is a post apoclyptic story where oil is scarse and crews of people have to strip shipwrecked ships doen to its bare parts to send them off. The main protagonist in this story is Nailer. He works on the light crew which mostly is comprised of children and teens. It is set this way because they are tasked with stripping metals such as copper wire from the boats to make quota. Another character is Bapi the boss of the light crew. He is known for being hard on his workers and sometimes abusive. On the Linghty crew is Prima the boss when Bapi is not around. She is in charge of keeping everyone in line and she does it well. Everyone in the crew respects her and dosen't dare to disobey her because they know she'll deal with them. Later on in the book We are introuduced to another character Nita (introduced as lucky girl). In the social pyrimid in this story she is sitting at the top, with everything she could every want/ask for. But when a hurricane rolls through her boat is left stranded on bright sands beach (where this novel takes place). And she is the only survivor but just bearly untill Nailer and prima find her and save her.
As to where this will go I predice that some way atleast nailer will find a way to leave with Nita as she can give him a better life where he dosent have to worry about his high drunken father beating him, or having to make quota in the wrecking yards.
Sofar my question for this book is How did the world end up like this. What event triggered this book where people arer stuck on a beach/island like this and have to tear apart ships on a daily basis. I know this is set in a world where oil has run our but I want to know what caused thiss in the first place.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Then and now of computers

Take a look at the computer you're reading this post on. I will take a guess and say it is likely a computer running Microsoft Windows or Apple Mac OSX (and for thus of you using any Linux distribution shout out to you). But I have noticed a trend and I will bet If you do some reading on the topic you will to. What I have seen Is more people own computers while fewer actually know them, tasks like using a command line or learning how your machine actually works. But Inherently this is not bad, it is the business mode the companies are selling. Which is and I paraphrase To market an easy to use machine to more people. I can guarantee you that a majority of people don't need an instruction manual to navigate windows (I hesitate to say this for 8/8.1 because from my use of it its not immediately user friendly). The working model Is to market a simple easy to use interface to as many people as possible.  I bet If I brought up terms such as booting, kernel, bootloader, BIOS, Operating system you would have no clue what alien dialect I am speaking in.
Now look at your phone, Odds are It is likely an iPhone or Android (and I will NOT go int the iOS Android debate...yet). It is probably extremely simple to use. You likely took it out of the box and started texting your group of friends. These things are so simple because that's what companies pay billions to create. People Demand simple tech so that's what the companies SUPPLY them with that platform they want. I know there will be some of you who say "well I built my computer" I do know people who do that but it is for gaming (I have no issue with gamers in the slightest) and I can almost guarantee most don't know anything outside of windows or how those parts work to make a computer function.
Now rewind about 20-35 years back around the 80's if anyone wanted to use one they had to know everything about it. But the thing is now I don't take issue with this in the slightest since the model works; But people don't need to know how to use a command line if they don't want to. They don't need to know how there operating system works, or how kernel works (too long to explain here). I see that people don't want to learn these things and that's their choice because really the standard user will only use a pc to write a paper or maybe some internet videos. While there are exceptions to these claims (like LINUX) that is essentially computing today.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Ingress Genius Curtosy of Google

As some people may or may not be aware Google has made a game. Actually that is extremely vague and nonspecific. Specifically they have made an Augmented Reality Massive Multi-player Online (armmo). This game is called Ingress and as of late I find myself quite engrossed with playing this game. First off though you cannot sit at home and play this game. It is locational, meaning you have to travel to different landmarks around you're area and such to play the game. The premise is there are 2 opposing sides the Resistance and Enlightened. In this game both sides are fighting for control of a mysterious energy called exotic matter (XM), but with polar opposite intentions for it. But I could go on for this entire post detailing it. Instead I will just say if this interests you any Google "Ingress" and you will find out all the information that is necessary up until this point in time for it. Which leads me to my point of why I think this game is truly genius. If you recall I stated you are able to find the Ingress story up until this point. This is not a typo because there is only a partially set. As it goes the story can bend any way toward any side currently as of me writing this the Resistance is areas are ahead. As I have said before it can go either way, recently there was a global live event that was taken by the resistance but it could have gone the other way completely. That is what I like about a game like this there is a back story to it but that is about it but that is that. I like that there is a constantly unfolding story that once you get into are stuck to it like glue.

I mean even now there is an upcoming event that can go any way, No one knows the exact story. To me this looks like a giant leap of faith when nantic@google launched this in closed beta in 2012 and finally in 2013 this could have easily been another flunk but with the massive following this has gained (its global I mean at an event in California there were people from literally everywhere except Antarctica) it was anything but that. I think this game is genius because its new, yes there are other AR games but they aren't on the global scale Ingress has or really any like ingress for the matter. It encourages people to come together and go places. It is a social network while encouraging you to get out and play a strategy game all in the same app. I know since I  seriously started it my Google plus page (yes I will use it) has been getting tons of followers thanks to it. But that's besides the point. This is truly genus and we have never seen anything like it. And guess what? This is only going to keep getting bigger.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

what I *didnt* like about the column

It would be easy for me to make this post about what I likes about what I read [pg 1-14] but i will be pointing out what I didn't like. For the sake of the post I will use the "What will Kate Middleton's wedding dress look like". First off In no way am I saying I have a problem with the royal family, This post is about what I don't like about this article. First off think back to the over-hype of the royal wedding, I mean you couldn't go anywhere and not see a magazine without a story about it. This article to me is just more over hyping it. I get that people went crazy about it however, you saw everything capitalizing off the hype. As I read this I am thinking why should people and especially why should I care what her dress looks like because it is purely her choice what it will be. Why should we care if its "traditional" or "traditional with a twist"? But obviously as we all saw any and every magazine, tabloid, webpage went crazy picking apart every single thing about them they could.

Another thing with this coloumn was it was actually kind of boring to me. Now I know not everything I read can be a mind blowing piece of writing like Lord of the Rings/Hobbit or Throne of Glass but I couldn't help but feel bored reading it. It could be I just was never caught up in the hype of the royal family. But I just was bored reading this article; I do recognize that not every article/ column was like this believe me there were good ones out there. Then again the style of columns are  pretty new to me, but this one just was UN-interesting to me. I do appreciate what It was trying to do. I'm not so dense as to let what I don't like about a paper ruin me from seeing what it was trying to do.

 But as I have said before It would be easy for me to point out everything I liked about the columns and call it a post. But I wanted to do something a bit different and say what I found unappealing rather than appealing.